Men on Board

Men on Board is a board gaming podcast where each episode will focus on a particular category within the hobby. The categories will be anything from a mechanic, to a theme, to a particular designer or publisher. Each episode will usually focus on two games from the category and contain a discussion of each as well as some compare and contrasting between them. Also, every episode will include a discussion that pulls back and looks at a more broad view about the board gaming hobby.

Episode 51: Flip & Write

Today we’re pressing our luck with our success of having all five hosts on the show next week and repeating the process while talking about two Flip & Write games: Welcome To… and Cartographers. Then, in our Broader View, we talk a little bit about our opinions on player turn length.

[00:00:00] - Introduction
[00:00:55] - Flip & Write
[00:02:11] - Welcome To…
[00:17:04] - Cartographers: A Roll Player Tale
[00:33:23] - Comparison
[00:44:28] - Other Flip & Write Games (Or games that make us think of these games)
[00:48:21] - Broader View

Men on Board is part of the Dice Tower Network of podcasts. Find other great podcasts at