Men on Board

Men on Board is a board gaming podcast where each episode will focus on a particular category within the hobby. The categories will be anything from a mechanic, to a theme, to a particular designer or publisher. Each episode will usually focus on two games from the category and contain a discussion of each as well as some compare and contrasting between them. Also, every episode will include a discussion that pulls back and looks at a more broad view about the board gaming hobby.

Episode 52: Habitat Building

The episode length is a little bit longer than usual because we are talking about two games with a lot going on with their strategy and we really wanted to dig deep into them. The games we’re talking about today are Underwater Cities and Terraforming Mars. Later, we have a discussion about games where repeated plays allow additional strategies to emerge. At the very end of the episode, we put out a call for suggestions on games or comparison suggestions from the audience. So if you have an idea that you’d like us to talk about, please feel free to send us an email or contact us through boardgamegeek or any of our social media pages!

[00:00:00] - Introduction
[00:03:19] - Habitat Building
[00:03:55] - Underwater Cities
[00:21:46] - Terraforming Mars
[00:38:16] - Comparison
[00:47:20] - Other Habitat Building Games (or something like that)
[00:51:41] - Broader View
[01:03:57] - Call for Suggestions

Men on Board is part of the Dice Tower Network of podcasts. Find other great podcasts at